WAIT! Have We Got A Deal For You!

Stop EVERYTHING You're Doing. This May be the Most Important Video You'll Ever Watch
okay ... The Most Important Decluttering Video You'll Ever Watch!

Clearing Your Clutter

our 5 week program that helps you learn how to declutter.
You'll tackle hotspots, doom* boxes, sentimental/heirloom items, and much more! 

*DOOM = Didn't Organize, Only Moved


have less in their homes,
without being minimalists

Not everyone wants to be a minimalist. (We certainly don't). Yet so many decluttering coaches really try to have you get rid of things that you actually use and love.

​It is YOUR decision what stays and what goes. 

​Our goal is to get you to understand what is important to you and what isn't.
​Then we work with you on having an uncluttered and tidy home that reflects who you are. Our goal for you? Maintenance Mode!

If you love your art displayed, then display it!
If you want - and use - 5 spatulas in your kitchen, that's okay! 

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  • Hotspots – those pesky flat surfaces that collect clutter
  • DOOM boxes – the "I'll just shove this stuff in a box and hide it until our visitors leave" syndrome. We'll get you started on sorting and dealing with all the items in the box. 
  • ​​Sentimental / Heirloom items – With our special method of handling these items, you will get started on dealing with them. This category can be a time consuming one. You'll end up with a plan to continue on. 
  • Papers everywhere? – We will give you the methods and strategies to calm that paper pile.
  • Getting your family/ housemates on board – This can be a challenge. We'll give you some methods to try out. 
  • ​​Accountability – As you are working through the course, you will have others that you can help. Being accountable to your progress is a great motivator.  
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clearing your clutter 

Together We Embark On Your Journey!

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ABC DEclutter with JJ  © 2024 abcDEclutter.com | All Rights Reserved.
​1910 East 4th Ave, PMB #53, Olympia, WA 98506