Keep or LET GO … How to sort while decluttering

Monday, February 12, 2024

The JJs Musings & Methods/Keep or LET GO … How to sort while decluttering

While you are decluttering and organizing, you have either the "Keep" or the “LETGO” (Lives Elsewhere, Trash, Goes Out) When I start an area I have 3 bags or boxes labelled LE, T, GO :)

Let’s break it down …

Keep items:

Obviously, these are the things you are keeping. They need a home within your home. A place to belong. Where is the first place you would look to find them? Is there room for them to live there? Is there a place that is close if they can’t live there? Do you need it? Do you love it? Do you use it?

Lives Elsewhere:

These are keepers that need a different home, or have one already, within your home. i.e.,. Do those old towels belong in the garage rather than the bathroom? Do the games belong in a specific cupboard rather than under the coffee table? Do your coats belong in the closet rather than on the back of a chair? Does that screwdriver really need to live with your silverware?



Broken, chipped, stained, ripped, not recyclable, etc. These items need to leave the house!

Recyclables go to the recycle bin.

Goes Out:

This category is for things to donate, give away, or sell. It also includes the returning of borrowed items. (Get them out of the house!)


and Lives Elsewhere items will be dealt with in a separate post. For now, let’s deal with the things that are leaving and thus gifting you space in your home.

Trash is an “easy” one. If it is broken or unusable = trash can. If it is clothing that is ripped, stained, etc, = trash can. Get it out of the house! Use a black garbage bag so you are not tempted to doubt yourself and pull things back out. You’ve made your decision. Trust yourself. Let it go.

Recycle is for paper, cardboard, glass, specific plastics. What is recycled in your area? If not recyclable, it becomes trash.

Donate: local thrift shops, Goodwill, St Vincent de Paul, Value Village, Savers, Deseret Industries, schools, assisted living facilities, libraries, churches, women’s shelters, etc.

Give away: Buy Nothing groups on Facebook, offer on NextDoor, Freecycle, friends or family. ‘Free’ box at the curb.

Sell: Facebook Marketplace, eBay, NextDoor, Offer Up. I give it one week to be claimed then it goes in the donate box.


I have personally found that, once it is gone, I have a sense of freedom and relief. This surprised me. I was afraid that I would regret letting things go …
I have not experienced any regret whatsoever. None.

I encourage you to give it a go! You can do this!

We are creating A Beautiful, Calm, Decluttered Environment … and it’s working!  💋  Julie